Final Nights Wikia

Withered Spring Bonnie is an antagonist appearing in the epilogue of Final Nights.


Withered Spring Bonnie is an animatronic rabbit which appears in Final Nights that heavily resembles that of Springtrap from FNAF 3, absent of William Afton's corpse. He has dark green fur with many rips in the suit including the absence of a majority of his right ear. It appears that he has no eyes.


His behavior is like that of the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who. When the player's back is turned, he will move quite fast, oftentimes moving towards you. The player needs to be aware of their surroundings and not make contact with him to avoid a jumpscare.


  • Withered Spring Bonnie‘s design was based on Springtrap.
  • As was previously mentioned, the behavior is not unlike that of the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who or SCP-173 from SCP: Containment Breach.
  • Also, this behavior could have inspired Endo B "Angel" from The Joy Of Creation: Story Mode.
    • This particular character, along with the rest of the Fallen, is also based off of the Weeping Angels, though it's the only one to also have such a reference in its name.

